Snow Parking Restrictions

Village Ordinance prohibits street parking during the snow season, or after a two-inch snowfall, until after the streets have been cleared by Village plows. 
In addition, parking in municipal lots after a two-inch snowfall is prohibited until after the lot has been cleared by Village plows.

The Police Department is authorized to have vehicles in violation of snow parking ordinances towed. The vehicle owner will be responsible for all towing and storage costs associated with these illegally parked vehicles.

Snow Removal Requirements

It is prohibited for Village residents to plow snow or ice into streets, or up against fire hydrants. In the event of a fire, keeping fire hydrants clear of snow and ice will assist firefighters by making fire hydrants more accessible. 
Apartment or multi-unit complex dwelling owners are required to clear off-street parking spaces and parking lots within 12 hours of a two-inch snow fall.

Senior Snow Removal

The Village provides snow removal services for seniors (65 and older) and disabled residents who live alone and have no other way to get their snow shoveled.

Workers will clear the front or main entrance, steps and walkway, as well as the public sidewalk in front of the home.  Salt will be placed down after the snow has been shoveled.  Workers are not responsible for clearing driveways.

Snow will be shoveled after a snowfall of at least 2 inches.  We will try to wait until the snow stops falling before we start shoveling.  Because there are so many residents on our list, please allow 24-48 hours for the entire list to be completed.

Christmas Trees

Place on the parkway after the first two weeks in January. Public Works will pickup Christmas trees only from the parkway, not from the alleys. Pick up will be during the third week of January only. No Christmas Wreaths will be picked up by Public Works.

Parkway Restoration

Property owners are responsible for maintenance (mowing, watering & restoration) of the parkway, except when the Village has dug there within the preceding 12 months. As a result of water and sewer repairs, parkway, sidewalk and street restoration are very often needed.   

Residents can assist the department after a parkway restoration by watering newly planted sod or grass seed.

Street Sweeping

Street sweeping operations run between spring and fall. The Village is swept in sections on a rotating basis, during both day and night hours. In residential sections of the Village with few side drives, most sweeping is done at night when autos are off the street (in accordance with Village parking ordinances).

Residents are asked to occasionally “clean sweep” the gutters in front of their properties, resulting in cleaner streets and prevents the clogging of sewers.