C4 is a project of co-lead organizations Seven Generations Ahead and the Urban Efficiency Group and the mayors of Broadview, River Forest and Oak Park designed to bring together BIPOC and non-minority communities across income lines to share ideas, secure resources, and drive large-scale projects within and across communities that achieve greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions reductions, equity and sustainability goals. The project currently supports 14 disinvested and resourced communities in Illinois through a unique mayoral MOU collaboration that prioritizes replicable projects, outcomes and metrics on a timeline in relation to the climate crisis, equity and sustainability. C4 combines:

  • A cross-community collaboration process
  • All stakeholder community sustainability team development
  • Large-scale projects
  • Resource acquisition
  • Metrics
  • Knowledge and resource sharing that avoids reinventing wheels and maximizes result
C4 USDA Grant Update - 09/24/24