If you are considering Broadview for a new business venture, new construction projects, property renovations, or rehabs you should schedule a Safety Committee Meeting. The property owner must schedule a Safety Committee Meeting. To schedule, please call the Building Department at 708-345-8174.
At the Safety committee meeting, applicants should be prepared to present and discuss the following information:
- Property address
- Purchasing or leasing?
- Square footage-space or property
- Zoning Classification
- Business Type - Hours of operation, # of employees, etc.
- Business Experience
- Funding Sources
- Parking Areas
- Any easements
- If the project is new construction, rehab, or renovation, a preliminary site plan (10 copies) is required. Example - floor plan, occupant load, occupancy classification, fire alarm system, sprinkler system, and/or hazardous materials list.
- Type of security system to be installed? Are there security cameras on the property?
- Will there be any cash on the premises before and/or after business hours?
- Emergency contact information for the property
- Where is the water meter located?
- Is there a water backflow devise at this location?
- Where is the sanitary sewer at this location?
- Will there be any digging or directional boring?
If you have questions or need assistance, visit the Village website at www.Brodview-il.gov. Select Building Department. Scroll down to the Village Code; click on the Village Code, then go to Chapter 10 on Zoning.
Also, you can contact the following Departments for additional assistance in preparing for the meeting;
Building Department - 708-345-8174 Ext 257
Public Works Department - 708-681-3602
Fire Department - 708-343-6124 Ext 4
Police Department - 708-345-6550