Proviso Handyman Program for Seniors

Handyman Program for Homeowners over the age of 60 and / or disabled residents of Proviso.

• Minor repairs only.
• $ 5.00 per visit plus the cost of parts, if needed.
• Provide referrals on a variety of home maintenance issues.
• Appointments are 45 minutes or less.


Handyman Brochure 8.4.2020 (1)

1st Installment Tax Bills posted online

Next year’s First Installment Cook County property tax bills are available at so that property owners can make payments before the end of this year or plan their finances for 2021, Treasurer Maria Pappas said today. A copy of the news release is attached and posted here.

The release also has information about the two-month waiver of late fees next year.

Please use your social media and websites to inform your constituents.

Office of Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas


1st Installment tax bills posted online

Thanksgiving Food Giveaway

This is a drive-up, MASK-UP? event due to COVID-19???
We are asking that you wear your mask in the vehicle!
Partnerships and collaborations to provide to the community at large this holiday season.
Join us on Monday, November 23, 2020 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the community food give away??
@State Senator Kimberly A. Lightford
@Proviso Leyden Council for Community Action, Inc – PLCCA
@Black Men United
@World Vision USA