General Information
Yard waste is collected from April 1st – November 30th. Branch and brush pick up is provided by the Public Works Department on garbage day, beginning on the first Monday in April through the last Monday in October.
Brush does not require a sticker.
Guidelines: Follow these guidelines for preparing yard waste:
All bags of yard waste must have a yard waste sticker attached or they will not be collected.
Please use only bio-degradable paper bags for yard waste
Plastic bags will not be accepted
Yard waste will be collected at curbside only.
Maximum weight of yard waste bags is 50 pounds.
No single branch should have a diameter in excess of four inches and be no longer than four feet in length and it must be cut side facing street.
Leaf Pick Up
The leaf program Begins approximately the last Monday of September each year. Each household will be given ten (10) biodegradable bags to put leaves in. Residents will be able to purchase additional bags as needed. You may also purchase bags at a place of your choice. NO STICKERS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR LEAF BAGS. ONLY LEAVES ARE TO BE PLACED IN THE BAGS – NO BRANCHES OR FOREIGN OBJECTS. Bags are to be put on the parkway for pickup by Village personnel. Raking leaves, grass clipping, and other debris into the street is prohibited by the city ordinances. Doing such may clog inlets and prevent the flow of storm water into the sewer system. Raking yard waste into the street will result in a fine from the Village (Refer to Ordinance – Chapter 2 – Section 8-2-8).
The leaf program ends on November 30 each year.
Acceptable Items
Yard waste consists of grass clippings, twigs, leaves, plant material, etc.
Unacceptable items
Rocks, sod, bales of hay, and pumpkins are refuse and should not be places in yard waste bags.