Street Sweeping
Street sweeping operations begin in the Spring and continue into early Fall. Different sections of the Village are scheduled weekly, during both daytime and nighttime hours.
In those residential sections of the Village with few side drives, most of the sweeping is done at night when autos are off the street (in accordance with Village parking ordinances).
Your cooperation is urged to help keep our streets clean by making an occasional “clean sweep” of the curb gutter in front of your property. This habit keeps our streets looking good and prevents debris from clogging up sewers.
Brush Pick-Up
Brush pick-up is provided by the Public Works Department every week, beginning with the first Monday in April, through the last Monday in October. Stack branches nearly on the parkway, with the butt end of the branch facing the curb (No grass clippings, weeds, or foreign objects). EVERGREEN CUTTINGS go into your yard waste bag. Larger evergreen branches (2 feet or more) may be stacked curbside. Place branches on parkway after 6:00 p.m. on the day before pick-up day.
Refuse Pick-Up
Household Garbage is picked up once a week. Residents are allowed ONE *authorized garbage container and ONE additional container can be rented for weekly pick-up. EACH ADDITIONAL 35 gallon garbage container requires an identifying sticker that may be purchased at the Village Business Office.
*Authorized Container/toter: All household garbage must be placed in an authorized toter provided by the Village with a capacity of 95 gallons. PLASTIC BAGS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED CONTAINERS. All containers need to be placed curbside or in the alley for pick-up AFTER 6:00 p.m. on the DAY PRECEDING PICK-UP DAY and must be REMOVED FROM PARKWAY BY 6:00 p.m. on PICK-UP DAY.
Holiday Pick-Up
When your garbage pick-up day happens to fall on a legal holiday, pick-up for that week will be made one day later than your usual pick-up day. These are the legal holidays observed by SBC Waste Solutions: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Spring Clean Up Day
Clean up day is scheduled for June 24th 2023. Unlimited bulk items and unlimited amounts of refuse will be pick-up. This does not include construction or demolition debris normally requiring a special roll-off container.
Appliance Pick-Up
The Village waste hauler will pick up discarded appliances that are placed beside your regular household garbage, either curbside or alley, on your regular pick-up day. There is no charge for this pick-up, but you are required to call the hauler one day in advance to notify them of your need and your address. (SBC Waste Solutions phone number: 312-522-1115).
Recyclables are picked up once a week on the SAME DAY as your HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE, but at a different time of day. There is NO ALLEY PICK-UP of recyclables. All recyclables are to be placed curbside for pick-up after 6:00 p.m. on the day preceding your pick-up day. For more details on currently acceptable recyclable items and disposal containers, call SBC Waste Solutions (312-522-1115) or pick up and informational pamphlet at the Village Hall.
Yard Waste
Yard waste is picked up daily from April 1 – November 30th. All yard waste must be placed curbside in an authorized brown, biodegradable paper bag after 6:00 p.m. the day before pick-up day. There is NO LIMIT to the number of bags picked up, but EACH BAG must be properly identified with a Yard Waste Sticker affixed to it. Stickers may be purchased at the Village Business Office. PLASTIC BAGS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR YARD WASTE.
Leaf and Garbage Burning
It is against the law to burn garbage or leaves at any time in any part of the Village, as mandated by Cook County.
Leaf Pick-Up
Leaves are to be put into a yard waste bag NOT IN THE STREET. Stickers are not required. Leaves piled in the street present a safety hazard to children and vehicles, tend to clog sewers, and make it awkward for Village pick-up equipment to gather them.