Special Notice about Appealing Property Taxes

Special Notice about Appealing Property Taxes

You should have received a Notice of Reassessment recently from the Cook County Assessor.   This
is the Triennial Reassessment the Cook County Assessor does every 3 years.   As we do every year, we
encourage you to appeal your property taxes.   It is especially important this year during these Covid
times when we are all experiencing unprecedented financial strain.

Please click on the link above to download the Appeal Form that you can complete and either send directly to the Cook
County Assessor’s office or drop off at their township office at 4565 Harrison St. Hillside, IL.

The recommended way to file is come into their township office and the Assessor’s Office will file the appeal for you.   In
addition, they will prepare an appeal for the Cook County Board of Review and file that once they are
open and accepting appeals.

Des Plaines Valley Mosquito Abatement Press Release

PRESS RELEASE – September 3, 2020

Dry conditions coupled with warm temperatures have created ideal conditions for the production
of mosquitoes involved in the transmission of West Nile Virus (WNV), and subsequent
amplification of WNV within the adult mosquito population. With the elevated risk of WNV
transmission, residents are encouraged to use a common sense approach in avoiding exposure to
adult mosquitoes and any potential mosquito-borne diseases. Window screens should be
inspected and repaired if damaged to prevent mosquitoes from entering the home.

In addition, any openings around window air conditioners, clothes dryer vents, etc. should be eliminated for
the same reason. If possible, avoid outdoor activities around dusk. If not possible, wear shoes,
socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Loose fitting, light colored clothing is best.
Appropriate use of insect repellents per manufacturer’s instructions is recommended.

Residents should look for potential mosquito breeding sources around the home and take the
following simple steps:

1) Throw away all trash that can hold water as cans, jars, bottles, etc.
2) Clean rain gutters/downspouts to prevent water from standing in gutters or on flat roofs.
3) Change water in bird baths, wading pools, etc. at least once a week.
4) Maintain swimming pools properly.
5) Remove or turn over containers, buckets, wheel barrows, etc. which may accumulate water.
6) Screen rain barrels to prevent adult mosquitoes from depositing eggs on the water’s surface.
7) Aerate ornamental ponds and stock with goldfish or other surface-feeding fish to control
mosquito production.
8) Dispose of any used tires without rims to prevent water accumulation.

The District is maintaining an aggressive mosquito larval control program to prevent the
emergence of adult mosquitoes, and has utilized contingency adult mosquito spraying operations
to reduce WNV transmission potential. Any spraying for adult mosquitoes will be conducted
during evening hours between dusk and midnight. The District lists all areas to be sprayed on a
particular evening on its website at desplainesvalleymad.com, on a recorded message available
after 3:30pm at 708-447-1765, and notifies Villages for inclusion on their websites.

Broadview 2020 Census Pop Ups

Be Counted in the 2020 Census

Free Food, Music, Games, Face Masks, Hand Sanitizer, etc. at the

Village of Broadview 2020 Census PopUp Events


Weather permitting